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2022-05-18| 发布者: 安庆生活网| 查看: 144| 评论: 3|来源:互联网

摘要: 表进行意义的四类介词短语定语从句还是并列句表进行意义的四类介词短语一、at+名词HewasatdinnerwhenIcame.我来时他...
He was at dinner when I came. 我来时他正在吃饭。She stayed at work when everybody else had gone home. 别人都回家了,她却还在工作。The country has been at war with its neighbour for three years. 这个国家与邻国交战已有三年了。类似的还有:at cards 在玩牌            at work 在办公 at play  在玩耍     在吃中饭    at rest在休息        at table在吃饭at school在上学       at church在做礼拜at peace和平时期at press正在排印有些结构可能带有冠词或物主代词:at one’smeals在吃饭&nb 10.5pt; mso-ascii-font-family: 'TimesNewsp;at one’s study在学习at thepiano在弹钢琴at the end (of)在结束时at the desk在读书

He is inthe army.他正在当兵。He’s beenin politics all his life.他一生从政。Her husbandwas in business.她丈夫是经商的。He lookstired. He is in need of a rest.他看来很累了,需要休息一会儿。类似的还有:in action在运转in progress在进行inoperation在运行中有些结构可能带有冠词:in thecourse of在……过程中in the act of正在做……时


Are youhere on business or for plea
你是来办事还是来玩?The typist is away onholiday this week.打字员本周休假。The man onwatch didn’t notice the danger.值班的人没有注意到这危险。We have soarranged matters that one of us is always on duty.我们做了这种安排,以便我们总有一个人值勤。类似的还有:on guard在值勤on leave在休假on holiday在度假on strike在罢工on sale出售on loan借贷有些结构带有冠词:on the boil水正在开on the move 在移动,搬迁,离开on themarch在行军on the watch注意,提防on the flow在涨潮on the turn在转折中on theincrease正在增加on the go正在活动,正在奔走on the air正在广播on the fly正在飞行
Don’tworry. Everything is under control.别担心,一切都在控制之中。That has norelation to the matter under discussion.这和讨论的问题没有关系。类似的还有:underdevelopment在发展中 under observation在观察中undertest在被测试 under construction在建设中under fire在炮火中        under examination在检查(调查)中underconsideration在考虑中under repair;在修理中

He wrote a lot of novels, most of _________ were popular.A. them B. whom D. that D. which
【分析】此题最佳答案为D,但很容易误选A。假若单独看 He wrote a lot of novels 和 Most of them were popular 这两句话,它们并不错,但将它们放在一起用逗号连接就不甚妥当了。因为,英语句子按其结构来划分,可分为简单句、并列句、复合句和并列复合句四种,也就是说,一个规范的英语句子,从结构上说,它必须隶属以上四类句型之一。但上面一题若选A,则它既不是简单句(因为它有两个主谓结构),也不是并列句(),也不是并列句因为它没有并列连词),也不是复合句(因为它没有主从句之分),当然它更不是并列复合句,所以选A是错误的。可以选D,是因为空白处填了 which 之后,后一句即成了一个非限制性的定语从句,前一句即为主句,整个句子即为一个复合句。比较以下各句:(1) He wrote a lot of books, and most of them were popular.句中用了并列连词,整个句子为并列句。(2) He wrote a lot of books, most of which were popular.后一句用了 which,使之成为定语从句,整个句子为复合句。(3) He wrote a lot of books, most of them being popular.后一句用了非谓语动词 being,故逗号处不用并列连词,整个句子为简单句。
涉及have sb do sth的一道难题
Whom would you rather _________ with you, Jim or Jack?
A. have go B. have to go C. have gone D. has to go

有的同学从一看选项便首先排除了A,认为 have go 这种结构本身就有问题。而事实上此题的正确答案正是 A。请同学们先看下面一句:I would rather have Jim go with me. (我宁愿要吉姆同我一道去。) 句中的 have 为使役动词,所以其后用作宾语补足语的不定式 go with me 不带 to。假若对此句中的 Jim 提问,不就成了 Whom would you rather have go with you 了吗N> Whom ?请再看一道类似的试题: 
Who did the teacher _________ an article for the wall newspaper?
A. has write B. have write C. has written D. have written 
【分析】此题很容易误选C或D,因为从选项本身来看,A和B的搭配结构显然不对。其实,此题的正确答案是B,此句可通过对下面一句的 Jim 提问得来:The teacher had Jim write an article for the wall newspaper. 其中的had 为使役动词,故其后用作宾语补足语的不定式短语had to write … 不带 to。

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